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A day in the life of a Clojure Engineer at Funding Circle team at Pwrteams vol.2

A couple of weeks ago, we shared our talk about what it’s like to be a Clojure Engineer at the Funding Circle team at Pwrteams with our colleague Dimitar Yoldov. But we couldn’t miss the opportunity to add a different perspective and to also have a chat with his colleague Nikolay Penchev. He joined the team a year ago - right after Dimitar, and also has some interesting things to share. Read on:

“I could say that Ruby found me. I just was in the right place at the right time!”

As we mark the 28th anniversary of Ruby on Rails, we invited our colleague Akseniya Penkova, a Software Developer in the Funding Circle team at Pwrteams, to share her thoughts on how she got started with this high-level and general-purpose programming language and what has it given her in terms of knowledge and experience.

„We want to ensure that we create the best, fun, exciting, engaged, valued, and safe workplace for our employees“

Pwrteams has been partnering with Funding Circle and successfully growing their team in Bulgaria since 2015. Over the years, their team has grown into a strong unit responsible for some of the most crucial projects of the company. Now, as they are looking to attract more talented people and further grow their capacity here, we talked to Richard Ashworth, Head of Engineering, to share more about the projects and company culture.

„It's exciting to see more women embracing STEM careers and thus breaking the existing stereotypes“

On February 11th, the world celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science! This special day, established in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, honors the incredible contributions of women and girls in science and technology. It's a chance for women in organisations and companies around the globe to come together, share their experiences and inspire future generations.

“Make a habit of learning new things on a regular basis, and don't be afraid to experiment with new technologies.”

Have you ever wondered what Functional Programming is all about? What makes it so unique? And what do we need in order to start? Well, today we will introduce to you Nikolay Penchev - Senior Software Developer at Funding Circle’s team at Pwrteams with a decade of experience in the IT field, specifically in Distributed Systems, Rest APIs and Front-end development. He is also a Mensa member, a Canadian wrestling champion, and a Functional programming enthusiast.

Celebrating Ruby’s B-day with our incredible Rubyists from the Funding Circle team

On the occasion of the 24th birthday of Ruby, we had an insightful talk with a few real Ruby masters. Along with their great work at the Funding Circle team and various hobbies they are practising, Monica, Aleksandar Ivanov and Alexander Popov are regularly volunteering at the local community event Rails Girls. The event is a 2-day workshop about Ruby on Rails that is aiming to attract more women to the tech sector and is also often supported by Pwrteams.

A day in the life of a Clojure Engineer at Funding Circle team at Pwrteams

What’s it like to work as a Clojure Engineer at the Funding Circle team at Pwrteams? To find out, we asked our colleague Dimitar Yoldov who has been part of the team for more than a year now and was eager to share some details about his workday and the challenges he is facing.

It’s Christmas, let’s talk about Ruby

Just before the new 3.1 release of Ruby around Christmas, we would like to celebrate the anniversary of its first public release back in 1995. To do so, we invited one of our Ruby masters - Aleksandar Ivanov from the Funding Circle team, to share what he likes about the language and how he sees its advantages compared to other programming languages

„Doing impactful work alongside incredibly talented colleagues makes Funding Circle a great place for career development.“

Pwrteams has been partnering with Funding Circle and successfully growing their team in Bulgaria since 2015. Over the years, their team has grown into a strong unit responsible for some of the most crucial projects of the company. Now, as they are looking to attract more talented people and further grow their capacity here, we talked to Richard Ashworth, Head of Engineering, to share more about the projects and company culture.
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