Pwrteams blog.

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Pwrteams to build a team for the UK-based B2B tech marketing agency Publitek

Publitek – a B2B tech marketing agency working with over 120 clients around the world, has trusted Pwrteams to set up and grow their development team in Bulgaria.

Async Programming and CompletableFuture in Java

We are excited to unveil a significant evolution in our brand identity focusing on the core of Pwrteams: The power of together. Launching the new Pwrteams brand identity also marks the date of completing integration of Questers by re-branding into Pwrteams.

Pwrteams unveils new brand identity and Questers becomes Pwrteams

We are excited to unveil a significant evolution in our brand identity focusing on the core of Pwrteams: The power of together. Launching the new Pwrteams brand identity also marks the date of completing integration of Questers by re-branding into Pwrteams.

Beyond the Staff Turnover: Tap the Benefits of Low Attrition with Dedicated Teams

Consider this: hiring a new employee costs a company 3-4 times their annual salary. The significant figure emphasizes a crucial reality: retaining talent i

Get Your Remote Team Together. 5 Tips to Collaborate Efficiently in Different Time Zones

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global workforce shifted toward remote work to navigate unprecedented challenges. As the dust settles, organizati

Pwrteams named top flexible employer in Bulgaria

At an official ceremony held on February 16th in Sofia, Pwrteams took first place in the "Flexible Workplace" category at the annual Employer Branding Awards, organised by B2B Media. The prestigious award is a result of the company's strategic approach to keep high levels of satisfaction among its employees, which in turn ensures successful long-term client relationships.

Expert Staff Augmentation: Navigating Economic Uncertainties with Flexibility and Resilience

What are your thoughts on the financial outlook as the year kicks off? As we enter 2024, the economic landscape unfolds with a blend of challenges and oppo

Innovate or Stagnate: Your 2024 Roadmap to IT Staffing and Outsourcing Trends

A glance at 2024 IT staffing and outsourcing trend articles reveals a repetitive stream of clichéd statements – from “remote work” to “building stronger re

Transforming Your Team With IT Staff Augmentation in CEE Countries

Close your eyes for a moment and think about your favorite lore featuring epic quests, potent opponents, and eternal struggles between opposing forces. How
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