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Artificial Intelligence in IoT – 4 Examples How to Make Use of It

Technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) tell us that the future is now. Remarkably, these technology concepts perfectly

6 Trends to Get Excited About for the Future of IoT

Smart and autonomous, interconnected, and self-managed – the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow in complexity and intelligence. Connected devices s

IT Efficiency: 5 Ways to Improve Productivity in the Tech-Dependent World

Although it seems like IT, gadgets and the Internet have conquered every aspect of the business world, some companies still refrain from using these gifts

How IoT Changes the Engineering Industry

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the words “Internet of Things”? It’s smart homes and wearables, isn’t it? But there’s so much

Microservice Architecture: 5 Major Benefits

Although they’ve been around for a while now, microservices are gaining popularity within continuously deployed systems. Many web giants, including Amazon,

5 Business Benefits of Software Reengineering and Refactoring

Let’s face it, software reengineering is not something developers love doing or managers gladly agree to. In the words of Martin Fowler, the father of the

3 Tips for Building an Intelligent App Ecosystem

If you have a feeling that everything is trying to get smarter these days, you’re absolutely right. Take applications, for example. In a world where techno

How Data Science and AI Prediction Help Transform the Travel Industry

Thousands of travelers worldwide prefer to arrange their trips online instead of physically going to a travel agency. This is a fact you can either ignore

AR and VR in E-commerce: Best Practices and Use Cases

Online shoppers can rejoice as technologies of virtual reality and augmented reality are revolutionizing the way we e-shop. With AR and VR in e-commerce, t
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