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Nortal Purchases Simulation Equipment for the Training of Ukrainian Doctors

Published on November 30, 2022
Nortal Purchases Simulation Equipment for the Training of Ukrainian Doctors
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On November 17, 2022, on World Prematurity Day, Nortal, Skelia’s parent company, purchased simulation equipment for the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. Starting next year, more than 500 pediatric and family medicine interns, training cycles audience in the specialties “Neonatology”, “Pediatric Anesthesiology”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “General Practice, Family Medicine”, internships, graduate students, researchers, and medical professionals, will use it annually to learn emergency care and resuscitation of newborns and infants.

Training and Practice on an Infant Manikin

The war has increased stress levels, causing the risk of premature birth among Ukrainian women. Therefore, the issue of thorough practical training of doctors who will take care of various complex and emergency cases became extremely important.

“Thanks to the Nortal company, our university will receive an infant manikin and special equipment for simulating heart rhythm disturbances, on which future neonatologists will study resuscitation techniques and perform manipulations under various scenarios. The prototype of the child contains devices that, depending on the actions of the intern doctor and the observer doctor, will give different signals and show what different manipulations lead to. Therefore, training will take place faster and more efficiently, improving the quality of care in practical situations.”
Maria Kiselyova
Neonatologist, pediatrician, Doctor of Medicine, professor, pediatrician, and head of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Faculty of Postgraduate Education of the Danylo Halytsky LNMU.
“Thanks to the Nortal company, our university will receive an infant manikin and special equipment for simulating heart rhythm disturbances, on which future neonatologists will study resuscitation techniques and perform manipulations under various scenarios. The prototype of the child contains devices that, depending on the actions of the intern doctor and the observer doctor, will give different signals and show what different manipulations lead to. Therefore, training will take place faster and more efficiently, improving the quality of care in practical situations”
Maria Kiselyova
Neonatologist, pediatrician, Doctor of Medicine, professor, pediatrician, and head of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Faculty of Postgraduate Education of the Danylo Halytsky LNMU.

A Long-term Project to Support Ukraine

Nortal allocated funds for the purchase of equipment for the training of future pediatricians from its corporate fund to support Ukraine. This is not Nortal’s first social initiative in our country – Nortal also provides financial assistance based on special requests from Skelia employees in Ukraine.

“In March 2022, Nortal created a special fund in order to support Ukrainians in these difficult times. Now our main priority is the urgent requests that come from our colleagues from Skelia. Still, in addition, we decided to allocate a part of the budget for projects for the development of Ukraine. Improving the quality of medical education is important both in peacetime and in wartime, and we are glad to have joined the development of the simulation center in Lviv”
Rostyslav Shchepan
Director at Skelia Ukraine.

Nortal and its employees around the world plan to continue to help Ukraine and implement various projects to support and develop Ukraine in the future. The focus will be on those initiatives proposed by the company’s specialists.

About Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytskyi

Lviv National Medical University, named after Danylo Halytskyi, is one of the largest and oldest medical, educational institutions in Ukraine. Every year, the university welcomes approximately 20,000 people, including 6,273 students, 1,164 interns, and 11,593 postgraduate education cadets.


About Nortal

Founded in 2000, Nortal is an international company engaged in strategic consulting and technology implementation. The company employs more than 1,700 people and has 24 offices in Europe, the United States and the Middle East. Nortal provides world-class strategic consulting, software development, product and customer experience, project management and design services. In May 2022, Nortal acquired the IT company Skelia together with subsidiaries in Ukraine and Poland.


About Skelia

Skelia was founded in 2008. Skelia specializes in creating cross-border IT organizations. The company has more than 350 employees, mainly in Ukraine and Poland. Skelia serves clients in 10 countries around the world and works through a network of offices in the Benelux countries, Poland, Ukraine and the USA.

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