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The Manager’s Guide to Hiring Cross-Border Teams Fast and Carrying On Smooth

Written by Sviatoslav Pechurytsia | July 19, 2024

As a Head of Client Partners, my job is to make everyone happy. As simple as it sounds, my to-do list is anything but. Handling complex tech recruitment projects requires combining strategy, communication, and a deep understanding of people and technology. But to ensure my team and I deliver precisely what we promise—and more, we need your help.

That’s because building a strong and competent cross-border team that transparently fits into yours is a two-way street. As one of the involved parties, your task usually goes down to three things: know your needs, communicate your expectations, and don’t hesitate to share your feedback. Let me explain step by step how this is fundamental for our shared success.

Perfect Fit, Every Time

Clients who come to us for expert team augmentation support are always unique. As such, they are driven by unique goals and expectations. Some are under pressure to move at a record pace, requiring a prompt solution without the delays typical for traditional hiring processes. They either have small recruitment teams or none and cannot scale the workforce fast enough to meet the project’s strict deadlines. 

Others need more access to IT specialists. Unable to hire locally, they trust us to deliver a cross-border team from countries offering a broader talent pool. They also might prioritize cost-effectiveness and choose team augmentation services because they’re more budget-friendly than internal hiring. On the flip side, some clients just want top-tier talent, no matter the price.

What are your expectations? 

Learning it is one of the critical foundations of our work.

That’s why, after signing the provisional contract, we schedule two strategic meetings to gather comprehensive insights into what skills, experience, and cultural fit you and your team seek. Remember that you only begin paying once we've successfully placed a candidate. That means all the risk and pressure to provide you with the best options are on us!

The first meeting involves the Client Partner on our side and the CEO/CTO/VP of Technology on the customer side. The goal is to learn about your business model, explore staffing needs, and sketch a plan to build our expert cross-border team. For the second meeting, we invite people directly involved with the candidates. This can be the Project Manager, Team Leader, or Head of Technology. Here, we dig deeper into your team composition, culture, technological skills already on board, and those they want to incorporate. Based on this insight, our Talent Acquisition Team will be able to prepare an adequate recruitment plan.

💡 Check our step-be-step team augmentation plan. We’re leading you through the first 12 weeks of our collaboration, from the first meeting to deploying a reliable team.

Scouting Your A-Team Across Borders

Picking the right candidate is no small task; at Pwrteams, we’re all about getting it right. One thing I always stress is the importance of cultural fit. Sure, someone might have all the technical skills, but if they don’t vibe with your company culture, it’s just not going to work out. Our carefully designed process helps avoid such disappointments. The proof? 96% of our candidates pass the probation period.

Here’s how we do that. 

After launching the recruitment campaign, we pick the best candidates for interviews. First, our recruiter checks out their cultural fit and motivation in an HR interview. We need to see if their past work vibe matches yours—like, a startup lover might not fit in a corporate world. We're looking for those soft skills that make them a perfect match for your team.

Next up is the technical interview. Our expert checks candidates' skills to ensure their resume isn't just fluff. This might include coding challenges or tech questions specific to your needs. Then comes the final interview—your turn to meet the candidates. It's not just about hiring a Java engineer; it's about finding someone who fits your team and has the right motivations and skills. This step is crucial because the final call is yours.

Painless Team Launch

You like them, you chose them, you’ve got them! 

Don’t worry. You don’t have to involve your HR forces in the mix. We handle the recruitment process from start to finish, taking care of your recruits’ administrative backstage.

Now, what? 

During onboarding, we aim to make your setup our setup—seamless and perfect. Whether your team loves macOS, Windows, or Linux, needs four screens, or demands top-notch audio gear, we've got you covered. We tailor the hardware and software to your needs so your cross-border team feels right at home, even if they're miles away.

Your new hire's first day is packed with vital training and diving into our workflows. The morning kicks off with must-do sessions: health and safety, IT security, and GDPR compliance. Data handling is a top priority, as is ensuring everyone knows their stuff. By midday, they're set to meet your team. Afternoon? They're diving into the codebase and project details, and hitting the ground running. It's all about immersing them in your processes and getting them up to speed.

Team Pulse Check for Long-Term Wins 

Once your cross-border team kicks off, our journey together is just beginning. Over 300 strong teams for 70+ clients prove our high quality and long-term commitment. We're talking big names like Showpad (13 years together!) and TUI Group (a robust team of 200+ IT pros).

Client Patner’s job after the hire? Keeping your excitement alive. Think of me as your go-to person for everything team-related. Got questions, issues, or feedback? Whether it's performance, tech hiccups, or invoices, I've got your back. And if I can't fix it, I'll find someone who can.

Additionally, our People and Culture team conducts regular check-ins with new hires during their probation period. We kick off with bi-weekly 1:1 check-ins, gradually spacing them out to 3, 6, and 12-month reviews, and eventually annual catch-ups. The aim? We pride ourselves on providing exceptional talent, but everyone benefits from development opportunities. That's why we work together on professional growth plans for your newly hired team members, ensuring your cross-border team stays motivated, happy, and conflict-free.

And as we continue strong together, life happens—cars break down, people get sick, vacations pop up. When the inevitable occurs, you won’t be left hanging. If someone's running late due to a car issue or is out sick, you'll be the first to know. We also closely monitor vacation schedules to prevent everyone from being away at once. While we can’t control the unexpected, we exercise the power of transparency and always keep you on top of things to best handle any challenges.

Cheat Sheet. Resolving Key Cross-Border Team Hiring Challenges 

Challenge 1: While finding candidates with technical skills is manageable, ensuring their cultural compatibility seems extremely challenging.”

✅ Solution: Let us in on your work culture and availability expectations. Specify communication channels and modes used within your teams. This way, during the interviews, we'll see how candidates match up with these needs, and we'll make sure they're comfortable with everything.

Challenge 2: We know we need IT experts to fuel our projects, but we’re not sure what exact skills and experience they should have.”

✅ Solution: Designate a person to talk to us about your projects, typical and required skills, and team specifics, and we’ll take it from there, advising you on the candidate profile. However, we're all about teamwork and shared success, not just filling spots. This means that if we think another role or team setup makes more sense, we'll share our thoughts with you.

Challenge 3: Our company is still growing and employs no HR specialists. We’re concerned that the team’s onboarding will be difficult to handle remotely.”

✅ Solution: Our People and Culture team and Client Partners will walk you and your new team through every step. If you already have set workflows, we'll adjust them to fit seamlessly. And if HR isn't your thing, don't worry—we'll handle everything, from guiding you through performance reviews and beyond.

One and One Make Three

As someone whose job involves teaming up to boost our collective strength, I firmly believe in the power of synergy. When managers like you step up and get involved, we can find the perfect hire who sticks around for the long haul.

I hope I've outlined our collaboration and success strategy clearly, making it easier for you and your team to gear up before reaching out to us for top-notch specialist support. 

See you at the kickoff meeting!