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10 Ways IoT is Changing Digital Marketing in 2020

Written by Admin | January 21, 2020

While the tireless expansion of IoT has been going on for decades, its growth in the digital marketing landscape is staggering and far more noticeable. For better or worse, the Internet of Things (IoT) is disrupting digital marketing. This comprehensive article discusses how IoT is creating new habits and behaviors in consumers and what digital marketers should do to stay ahead of the game.

IoT is making 100% CTR a reality


Marketers spend thousands of dollars on unfruitful advertising. What if they could get a 100% click-through rate from all their ads? With advances in IoT, advertising in the near future is expected to become 100% aligned with the interests, behaviors, and past purchases of the consumer. For instance, if a light bulb suddenly dies in your “smart” house, the connected home will not only record the need for a replacement. It will also provide you with a digital coupon for a new bulb sent directly to your smartphone.

As IoT becomes more sophisticated, it will even become possible to calculate the exact number of hours the light bulb is in use. Such smart devices can forewarn the consumer when they are approaching the end of life. As a result, advertisers would be able to channel their campaigns to people who really need the products.

Taking social media to the next level


Did you know that 74% of brand marketers report that they notice a significant increase in their web traffic?

Social media continues to dominate the digital marketing landscape and yield satisfactory results. The role of IoT in social media is to automate the processes, curate automated posts, and intelligently share them with a particular relevant audience.

With insights from IoT, digital marketers can target customers with promotional messages and personalized ads based on individual preferences. Keeping your consumers engaged and at the same time, saving you time and money!

New job opportunities


While it’s true that IoT is replacing some human jobs in digital marketing, it’s worth mentioning that it also creates new job roles. Countries that are embracing IoT are witnessing a boom in online jobs in various fields of digital marketing due to IoT.

From keyword-based SEO content to intention-based writing


SEO has been around for a few decades and has even landed some people a few job roles in the digital marketing landscape. With advances in IoT, there will be a shift from keyword-based SEO content to intention-based writing. This means that web pages will no longer be ranked based on the inclusion of keywords but on the natural spoken human language. 

If you have noticed, you often pose queries more naturally when speaking compared to when you type the questions into Google. Check the wording you use the next time you use Siri.

IoT is turning Product Development upside-down


Traditional product development depends on a one-way flow of information and customer feedback. Due to its reliance on customer feedback, it cannot be implemented as readily into additional iterations of the product or new products during the development phase.

Fortunately, with the advent of IoT, data on how products are used can be fed back to manufacturers in real-time. This enables manufacturers quick iterative correction and rapid design improvement based on that data.

Analyzing customer’s buying behavior now easier than ever


Before the internet of things, analyzing customers’ behavior was a difficult task. IoT reveals patterns in product usage, allowing digital marketers accurate demand forecasting. The data from IoT connected devices can be used to understand the everyday lifestyle of customers and possibly read the customer’s mind.

Leveraging insights from IoT, digital marketers can determine when customers will need to replace products and what type they would like, buying patterns, trends influencing the purchasing pattern, and identify the ideal markets where the product will sell the most.

Overall, IoT provides more accurate information to digital marketers than any other channel. Finally, digital marketers can promote their products with clear and better insight.

Predictive advertising 


Ads wouldn’t be so annoying if they were relevant and showed up at the right time. The goal of IoT, coupled with big data is to provide digital marketers with accurate business insights and analytics to help them target their audience and boost engagement.

Today, companies can install IoT sensors within their equipment to collect important operational data from the machines. This enables them to have an in-depth look at how their products are performing and anticipate the future needs of their customers

Improved personalization


As a savvy digital marketing professional, you probably know how crucial personalization is to the success of your campaigns. With the advancements in IoT, today’s marketers can analyze customers’ behavior in real-time.  

As a result, they always have relevant data at hand to target the audience more accurately and improve the effectiveness of the marketing campaign. This also makes it easy for marketers to determine the type of campaign and optimal message that’ll engage their audience.

Marketing Automation


Automating processes is increasingly becoming prevalent, and its significant positive impact on marketing cannot be ignored. Credit goes to the internet of things. Before the IoT, marketers had to spend lots of time and money gathering customer data. Today, the process of gathering marketing data can be automated, allowing marketers to get relevant data quickly with very little to no effort—and at low costs!

Overall improved engagement


From the points above, you can see that IoT makes the lives of digital marketers better. In a world whereby people are used to getting bombarded by irrelevant ads throughout the day, IoT provides the much-needed help digital marketers have been yearning for years—extremely relevant ads. IoT devices help marketers to better understand their audience on a pinpoint level. 

With all the data and insight from IoT, digital marketers can finally create content that they are confident their audience will want to see. As a result, engagement will undoubtedly be guaranteed! By the way: Did you know that 4.4 trillion GB of data is expected to be generated through the Internet of Things by the end of this 2020? 

What’s Next?


The tireless penetration of IoT in digital marketing is a fascinating spectacle to witness first hand. Hopefully, you have gained a better perspective of how customer data from IoT devices can positively affect your digital marketing strategy.

Savvy digital marketers are already embracing the unlimited potentials of IoT and delighting their customers with highly personalized and relevant customer experiences. Don’t miss out!